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EST Group is an excellent supplier in providing highly engineered products and comprehensive repair services for heat management cooling systems. 

EST Group specialize in engineered plugs for shell and tube heat exchangers, condensers, oil coolers, piping systems and pressure vessels for severe service applications. Its best known product – the Pop-A-Plug® – is the industry’s leading technology. EST Group provides a comprehensive range of field services for heat management systems.



The EST group products include:

  • Pop-A-Plug® Tube Plugs and Pop-A-Plug Tube Plugging System® - for quickly preparing and plugging leaking heat exchanger tubes. Suitable for service in operating pressures to 7,000 psi (480 Bar) without welding or explosives.
  • Pop-A-Plug® Tube Stabilizers - for stabilizing fractured or severed heat exchanger tubes.
  • G-Series Tube Testing Guns - for locating and identifying leaking heat exchanger tubes and tube-to-tubesheet joints.
  • GripTight® - for high pressure hydrostatic testing of pipe, pipelines and pressure vessels. Safe and effective at working pressures to 14,000 psi (960 Bar). Pipe OD and ID sealing versions available.
  • High Lift Flange/Weld Testing Plugs - for quickly isolating and hydrostatically testing weld joints of any welded flange to pipe connection.
  • Double Block & Bleed Plugs – positively isolate pipe end hot work from potentially explosive upstream vapors; then weld and test the flange to pipe connection all with one tool.
  • D-Series Tapping Tools - compact, lightweight tools for tapping into existing pipelines under pressure; ideal for sampling and/or draining the contents of a pipe or pressure vessel.
  • EST Services: Provides a complete range of turnkey field services targeted at the inspection and repair of tubular heat exchangers and condensers - including heat exchanger tube testing, inspection (visual, eddy current or IRIS), mechanical tube cleaning, tube sleeving or lining, tube plugging, tube pulling and partial retubing operations. Sleeves are installed using Hydra-Loc™ hydraulic expansion equipment. EST FS offers piping system and pressure vessel hydrostatic testing and inspection. Additionally EST FS provides on-site training courses for all EST products.