Accurately size and select a pressure relief valves for various process applications using SizeMaster™, a web-based engineering software tool. The SizeMaster™ software brings unprecedented integration of recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEP) to the task of sizing and selecting pressure relief valves.Self-registration is required to access the SizeMaster™ Software.
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Accessing the SizeMaster™ sizing tool through one’s modern web browser, a user can perform a steady-state sizing analysis by first defining at least one, if not all, of the recommended overpressure failure scenarios identified within the API 521 Standard and then calculating the required discharge area to satisfy the upset conditions. Design details such as relieving conditions, fluid characteristics, and sound engineering principles are supplied to the software for such scenarios like fire, thermal expansion, control valve failure, and tube rupture. Suitable candidate Farris pressure relief valve(s) are presented to the user for selection based on the supplied application requirements which then can be further customized and configured for a specific criterion.
This software aims to take a complicated task of determining required capacities and orifice areas by merging together the wide-range of Farris products to produce a concise yet comprehensive tool for the specification of overpressure protection.
SizeMaster includes catalog information for Farris 2400, 2600, 2700, 3800, 6400/6600, 4200, 1890, 1896, and 4700 series pressure relief valves, including black and white cross-section dimensional drawings. The registered user can select and customize a candidate Farris model number, SizeMaster™ will ensure a valve is suitable for the supplied process parameters (such as a liquid-trim valve for a vapor scenario), and on-line help is available to assist in the determination of each of the digits of the Farris model number configuration. SizeMaster™ can manage the sizing and selection work-flow process for jobs/plants, from request for quotation through order generation.
Whether the user is quoting safety valves for a large-scale Job/Plant or performing a single yet fast Quick Size option, SizeMaster™ makes the task of sizing and selecting pressure relief valves straight-forward and globally accessible. The design of this web-based software allows for the development team to automatically deploy updated versions of the tool to remain up-to-date with the latest changes in industry best practices and new product features and offerings.
If you need assistance related to our sizing software, please contact a software development specialist at [email protected] and discuss how we can address your needs.
To contact our sales offices for product quotation or other inquires, please call 440-838-7690 or email at [email protected].
All sizing equations and selection algorithms are based on ASME Code requirements, API standards and best engineering practice as determined by Farris Engineering. The equations and flow algorithms are internally calculated within an innovative worksheet engine which checks selected conditions and any intermediate calculations against the constraints of industry standards, informing the user of any non-compliance issues it encounters. Using supplied sizing conditions and application-specific details, suitable candidate valve(s) are cross-checked against their appropriate temperature and pressure tables including any backpressure constraints. Once the software determines the orifice area required to relieve the supplied overpressure scenario(s), SizeMaster™ recommends an optimum Farris pressure relief valve series and orifice size. The user can further customize its materials, soft goods, and other options and accessories to meet their facility and device needs.
All application details, sizing equations, and other overpressure scenario parameters can be generated in different data formats (i.e. XLS, HTML, PDF, etc.) and extracted from the program.